
Showing posts with the label Old Testament Timeline

Article 9(a) - Patriarchal History - Abraham Cycle

Disclaimer  –  The following article is meant for educational purposes only and not for any commercial purpose.   By Emmanuel Gomes Edited by  Fr Trevor D'Souza, OFM Genesis 1-11 provides early history of mankind as a whole. Genesis 12-50 provides the early history of Israel in particular. In the Pentateuch, the two are related in the sense that hope for all people are tied to the promises God makes to them. Genesis 12-50, tells the story of the three great patriarchs - the ancestors of Israel - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - as well as the twelve sons of Jacob from whom the twelve tribes will descend, especially Joseph. The covenant God establishes with Abraham is passed down to his heirs Isaac and Jacob and ultimately to the twelve tribes. This becomes the foundation for the plan for salvation for mankind. Thus the significance of these Chapters in both historical and theological aspects is immense. Literary Structure of Genesis 12-50 Here, we are dealing with three cycles of the liv

Article 5(b) - Authorship: Who wrote the Pentateuch?

Disclaimer  –  The following article is meant for educational purposes only and not for any commercial purpose.   By Emmanuel Gomes Edited by  Fr Trevor D'Souza, OFM   Pentateuch refers to the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy).   In this article we will share various views on the complex question regarding the origin of the Pentateuch. It is important to stress that the purpose of this article is not to settle any debate but to inform the reader of the many viewpoints on the authorship of the Pentateuch.   In Jewish and Christian tradition - The Pentatuech was always considered written by Moses. However, after the coming of scientific biblical studies, 19th century, biblical scholars have abandoned the idea that the Pentateuch was authored by Moses.    Regarding Moses as the principal author of the Pentatuch has been based on the internal evidence. There are various passages in the Bible that refer to Moses being the author. For exa