Article 4 - Introduction to the Old Testament
Written and Edited by Mr J Aloysius Ignatius, Fr Gerard J D’Silva and Fr Trevor D’Souza, OFM Note The ‘fill in the blanks’ at intervals below will help you to focus on essentials and to interact with the text more actively. For best effect, it must be filled in by memory from what you have just read in that section. If necessary you may even read the section more than once. Only when you are unable to fill in the blanks from memory should you go back to the text to fill in the blanks. It should not be used as a mere cut and paste exercise. 1. The word Bible is derived from the Greek word biblos , which means “book.” The Bible itself is a collection, or a library of various books, inspired by God and written by human beings. The Bible contains the authentic, inspired record of the revelations made to mankind by God about himself and his will for people. The Bible contains saving truths. Q1. The word “Bible” means ………. Q2. The Bibl...